Sunday 24 July 2011

Book 1

The greatest idea does not come from the man with the highest power. It most often than not, comes from within the weakest and most fragile man. Their strength and will to live, pours out from within their very soul and transforms the world with their imagination and thoughts. As one door closes, another opens. A stairway becomes climbable and a heart becomes stronger. The tragedies we face as children, if any, mould and shape us into the people we are today. However, this is also true for the most inspiring times of our younger years, childhood. During our times as children, we change. We mature, we become men and women and we become the people we were destined to become. These changes are not always for the better, although, most of the time, they make you a better person. Yet, sometimes, we make these decisions under the influence of people around us. The ending result is the uncomfortable feeling of not being yourself. Which, in turn, leads to another change. You change from the person you think you are, to the person you really are. This change results in the realisation that one can only be truly happy, when being themselves.

In a world where you are born free, have an identity and there's acceptance, more or less, everywhere around the world, it seems to be that the hardest thing to do in your teenage years, and sometimes beyond, is be yourself. In a world where you are constantly paranoid of being under the microscope, and wondering if you're 'in' with the latest trends and fashion, you lose yourself in a game of cat and mouse. Constantly chasing the 'popular' kids, the latest fashion and look, to the point where the 'average' person can not keep up. However, when they do eventually have the latest clothes or game, the media is already filling our minds with the next best thing. Creating a never-ending cycle of consumption and fear, and what better why to bring in money than to sell products through fear. If you don't have the newest Lynx, you're not going to get any girls. If you don't have the new formulated spot cream, you're going to be covered in pimples. If this generation learns, and begin to understand that mass consumption does not make you a person, then everyone will have an equal shot at opportunities, and in a sense, life.

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